Postal Address
GPO Box 1370
Brisbane QLD 4001

Phone: 07 3257 1055

Financial Planning | Investment Advice | Taxation ServicesABN 83 057 778 702  |   AFSL 222029
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Tailored Accounting & Taxation

As a registered Tax Agent, Horsey Jameson Bird Taxation Services Pty Ltd (A.B.N. 35 087 113 371) has a longstanding history of offering tailored solutions to clients for their accounting and taxation needs.

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Superior Service

What sets HJB apart is our unique approach – we have never advertised, and our entire focus is on the client. New clients are exclusively accepted through direct referrals from our existing clients, emphasising our unwavering dedication to providing specialised, superior service and support.

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Tailored Accounting & Taxation

As a registered Tax Agent, Horsey Jameson Bird Taxation Services Pty Ltd (A.B.N. 35 087 113 371) has a longstanding history of offering tailored solutions to clients for their accounting and taxation needs.

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Superior Service

What sets HJB apart is our unique approach – we have never advertised, and our entire focus is on the client. 

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